HC Deb 08 March 1932 vol 262 cc1623-4

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland if his attention has been called to the effect of the system of Scottish rating upon building, industry, and commerce in Scotland; and whether he proposes to investigate the existing systems of valuation and rating in Scotland, with a view to reform?

The SECRETARY of STATE for SCOTLAND (Major Sir Archibald Sinclair)

Representations on the subjects of valuation and rating in Scotland have been received by me. As regards rating, my hon. Friend will remember that this was the subject of inquiry by a committee presided over by Lord Dunedin, which reported in 1922. I expect shortly to receive a deputation from the Convention of Royal Burghs on the subject of the valuation of municipal undertakings. Pending the reception of this deputation, I am not in a position to reach a decision on the matter of a further inquiry.