HC Deb 08 March 1932 vol 262 cc1630-1
41. Mr. J. P. MORRIS

asked the Attorney-General the amount of rebated commission paid by stockbrokers to the Public Trustee and Deputy Public Trustee, respectively, during each of the past five years, and the means adopted by such officials in selecting brokers through whom such business was transacted?

The ATTORNEY-GENERAL (Sir Thomas Inskip)

With the hon. Member's permission, I will circulate the figures asked for in the first part of be question, in the OFFICIAL REPORT.

In reply to the last part of the question, subject to any special considerations that may arise under the trust, business in the head office is allotted in rotation to brokers on the London Stock Exchange, from a list drawn up and revised from time to time by the Public Trustee with the approval of the Lord Chancellor. Business in the Manchester office is allotted by the Deputy Public Trustee in rotation to suitable brokers on the Manchester Stock Exchange in such manner as seems best to ensure a fair and reasonable distribution.


Is the right hon. and learned Gentleman aware that not in all cases have the Public Trustee and the Deputy Public Trustee selected brokers, as laid down in Article 40 of the Regulations governing this matter; and, if I place the particulars before him, will he issue instructions that that Article is to, be adhered to strictly?


I cannot undertake to issue instructions, but, if the hon. Gentleman will furnish me with the facts, I will gladly look into the matter.

Following are the figures:

The amounts of rebated commission paid by stockbrokers to the Public Trustee during each of the past five years are as follow:

Year to 31st March. Head Office. Man Chester. Total.
£ £ £
1927 19,258 2,847 22,105
1928 26,436 4,182 30,618
1929 34,636 3,902 38,538
1930 24,063 2,353 26,416
1931 19,783 2,523 22,306