HC Deb 21 June 1932 vol 267 cc896-7
1. Mr. MAXTON (for Mr. KIRK-WOOD)

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland whether he is aware of the practice of certain omnibus companies in Scotland issuing free passes to chief constables and county councillors in their areas enabling them to travel free on the omnibuses: and whether, in view of the fact that chief constables and local authorities may be called upon to deal with omnibus companies contravening regulations, he will take steps to stop this practice?


I have no information on this subject so far as county councillors are concerned. As regards chief constables, I am not aware to what extent (if at all) such free passes are held by them, but in my view it is undesirable that police officers should travel free of charge, or at special fares, on omnibus services other than those run by a local authority.