HC Deb 15 June 1932 vol 267 cc401-2
27. Mr. MANDER

(for Sir P. HARRIS) asked the First Commissioner of Works whether he has considered the letter sent to him from the National Federation of Building Trade Employers, asking for some relaxation in the clauses in Government contracts and those of local authorities in the use of British materials only in the case of Portland cement,, because of the increase in price and because of the virtual monopoly in the production of cement in this country; and what he proposes to do in the matter?


The letter in question has been referred to an Interdepartmental Committee on Prices of Building Materials, set up by my right hon. Friends the President of the Board of Trade and the Minister of Health. This committee is investigating the facts as to increases in the price of cement, but has not yet issued its report.


If the right hon. Gentleman finds that there has been an abuse of the privilege, will be consider withdrawing it?


I do not see how any question of abuse of the privilege can come in. I certainly intend to maintain a preference for the British article. If it is shown that the public is being exploited by undue prices, no doubt there will be inter-Departmental recommendations.