HC Deb 14 June 1932 vol 267 cc185-6
40. Viscountess ASTOR

asked the Minister of Health if he can state how many people live more than two in a room; how many more than three in a room; and how many in even more crowded conditions in England, Wales and Scotland, respectively?


The Census figures in question will appear very shortly for London, and thereafter successively for other counties and areas. But the Noble Lady will appreciate that the corresponding figures for England, or Wales, as a whole are not available in advance of the completion of all county tabulations. In regard to Scotland the Noble Lady should address a question to the Secretary of State for Scotland.

Viscountess ASTOR

Does not the hon. Gentleman know that there are many thousands of children living in basement

Insured Persons in the Drink Industry Classification* recorded as Unemployed.
Date. Perth Employment Exchange. Other Exchanges in the County of Perth.
Wholly Unemployed. Temporarily Stopped. Total Wholly Unemployed. Temporarily Stopped. Total
18th May, 1931 42 1 43 5 5
23rd May, 1932 34 13 47 6 6
* This classification includes the manufacture and bottling of all kinds of drink. Separate figures for brewery and distillery workers are not available.

dwellings, and will he urge the Government to do nothing to discourage open-air nursery schools in slum areas, but to do everything that he can to encourage them?

41. Viscountess ASTOR

asked the Minister of Health whether he can state how many persons in the United Kingdom are living in dwellings which have been condemned as insanitary; how many in basement or underground dwellings; and what proportion of these are children under 15?


My right hon. Friend regrets that the desired information is not available.

Viscountess ASTOR

Does not the hon. Gentleman know that there are many thousands of children living in the slum areas, and the only possible way of giving them a chance is to have open-air nursery schools?


I shall be glad to answer the Noble Lady's question if she will put it on the Paper. I have already answered the question put to me.

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