HC Deb 07 June 1932 vol 266 c1765
22. Duchess of ATHOLL

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland if he is aware that wheat offals have recently been so scarce in Scotland that they have been selling at £7 a ton, which is higher than the price of wheat; and if he will state whether this scarcity is due to exportation licensed by a recognised millers' association?

The SECRETARY of STATE for SCOTLAND (Major Sir Archibald Sinclair)

I am aware that the price of wheat offals in Scotland is as stated by my Noble Friend, but the suggestion made in the second part of her question is not supported by the statistics relating to the exportation of wheat offals from the United Kingdom, which show no increase in the current year as compared with previous years.

Duchess of ATHOLL

Does not the Secretary of State remember the assurance given by the Minister of Agriculture in one of the Debates on the Wheat Quota Bill, to the effect that he hoped there would be little or no export of wheat offals except under licence. I do not think that I have had an answer to that part of my question.


Yes, but that undertaking has hardly come into operation yet, and my figures refer to the first four months of the year.