HC Deb 29 July 1932 vol 267 cc1795-6
45. Mr. HICKS

asked the Prime Minister whether he is aware that the Institution of Electrical Engineers has been requested by a Government Department to circulate a document for the enrolment of volunteers to maintain the London electricity supply services in the event of an emergency; and which Department made this request and the reasons for it?

The LORD PRESIDENT of the COUNCIL (Mr. Baldwin)

I am aware of the action which has been taken. The document referred to was issued by the Institution of Electrical Engineers by arrangement with the Ministry of Transport, as part of the arrangements necessary to keep up to date in certain details the organisation which has been in existence under successive Governments for some 10 years for the purpose of carrying on essential services in the event of an emergency of the kind contemplated by the Emergency Powers Act, 1920. Similar action has been taken as a matter of routine on previous occasions. It is hardly necessary to add that there is no reason whatever to expect that circumstances will occur which will make it necessary to bring the organisation into active use.


Is it not a fact that this Institution has a Royal Charter sanctioned by this House, giving it specific duties for the promotion of electrical engineering science; and, if that be so, is it not rather a dangerous thing, when once it has been granted a Charter for such purposes, to give it permission to engage in work of a political character and in the organisation of labour?


I could not answer the first part of the hon. Member's supplementary question without notice. I am perfectly certain that it is the duty of the Government to see that, in case of need, London should not go without light.


Has any encouragement been given by the Government to certain universities which are also endeavouring to enrol voluntary forces?


That does not arise out of this question.

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