HC Deb 20 July 1932 vol 156 cc2281-3
Sir MARTIN CONWAY (by Private Notice)

asked the Under-Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether there is any truth in the reports which have appeared in the Press to the effect that the hon. and gallant Member for The Wrekin (Sir C. Towushend) is proceeding to Angora; and, if so, whether he is doing this by the wish, or at the request, of His Majesty's Government.


Our most recent information is that the hon. and gallant Member arrived at Beyrout on the 12th inst., and proceeded on the 17th inst. to Aleppo and Alexandretta with the declared intention of proceeding to Angora. So far from this journey being undertaken at the request, or on behalf of His Majesty's Government, this action on the part of the hon. and gallant Member would be not only against the wishes of His Majesty's Government but in violation of a pledge which he gave on the 8th May before a passport was issued to him. His written statement made on that occasion was as follows:

"I have no intention at present of proceeding to Turkey whilst negotiations for a peace are proceeding, under the circumstances of my passport for Turkey having been refused 'until a more favourable opportunity.' As soon as peace is signed, however, it is my intention to apply for a passport for that country.



8th May. 1922.

The hon. and gallant Member added verbally that the purpose of the intended journey was to visit his wife in Paris, some relations at Madrid, and then to take a 15-days' cure at Carlsbad.

It was only on receipt of these statements and assurances that a passport for France, Italy, Spain, Belgium, Germany, Austria, Holland, Switzerland, and Czecho-Slovakia, but marked "not valid for travelling to Turkey," was issued to the hon. and gallant Member. It is deeply to be regretted that to all appearance he should have taken a course quite inconsistent with his explicit undertaking.

Captain GEE

Has the Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs warned the hon. and gallant Member for The Wrekin that he was going to impugn his honour when he was not here to protect himself: May I also ask whether the hon. and gallant Member has broken his word when in his written statement he gave the undertaking: That while negotiations for peace were proceeding he would not enter Turkey.' Is it not a fact that the negotiations for peace have been broken off, and, therefore, the hon. and gallant. Member has not broken his word?


The hon. and gallant Member is mistaken. Negotiations for peace are still continuing. The hon. Member will observe that I made no direct charge against the hon. and gallant Member for The Wrekin. The statement was hypothetical, that "If he does proceed to Angora he will have violated his word."

Captain GEE

The hon. Member said it was the expressed intention of the hon. and gallant Member to enter Turkey. [Hon. MEMBERS: "No!"]