HC Deb 20 July 1932 vol 156 c2261
Mr. PENNEFATHER (by Private Notice)

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies whether he has any information regarding a newspaper report that members of the Ulster Special Constabulary who were kidnapped have been released by Free State troops at Dundalk?


Yes, Sir. I have just been informed by the Provisional Government that, when the military barracks at Dundalk were captured by the National Free State troops, 17 members of the Ulster Special Constabulary were rescued and liberated. They were escorted by the Free State troops to the railway station the night before last, and given free railway warrants to their homes

Further, I am informed that the Provisional Government procured the release, yesterday, from the interior of 10 additional members of the Ulster Special Constabulary, who had been taken from the Belcoo Barracks, County Fermanagh, and that they are proceeding to their homes.

Captain CRAIG

Are the men in the latter case the men who were imprisoned in Athlone?


I think that must be so.