HC Deb 20 July 1932 vol 156 cc2250-1
3. Captain LOSEBY

asked the Minister of Pensions the lowest sum paid to any institution in respect of an officer confined in a lunatic asylum?


The lowest rate paid for the maintenance of an officer whose admission to an asylum has been arranged by the Ministry is £2 2s. a week. There are, in addition, seven officers in county and borough asylums at rates ranging from 28s. 10d. to 37s. a week. None of these cases has been placed in the asylum by arrangement with the Ministry, but they have been allowed to remain there, either because the patient's relatives do not wish him removed to another and more distant institution, or because' he is too ill to be removed without danger to himself.

4. Captain LOSEBY

asked the Minister of Pensions if he will state the average sum now paid to county and borough lunatic asylums in respect of ox-soldiers who owe their condition entirely to war service; and what steps are taken to ensure that they receive treatment commensurate with sums paid on their behalf?


The average cost of maintenance of a service patient in asylums in England and Wales is about 36s. a week. The Ministry have whole-time medical inspectors, who visit the asylums in the interests of the service patients and report upon the conditions of treatment. These inspectors have reported on each individual service patient, and they are at present engaged on a second review.

Captain LOSEBY

May I ask my hon. and gallant Friend if any of the inspectors have yet reported that some of these institutions are places of positive horror, and that in some cases a man would not receive fair play or anything approaching fair play?


I have seen no reports of that kind. None, whatever! If my hon. and gallant Friend has any such reports, I shall be glad to have my attention called to them.

Captain LOSEBY

I only wanted to know whether my hon. and gallant Friend has yet realised the situation]


No, Sir, I have not, because reports have not come in to that effect