HC Deb 20 July 1932 vol 156 cc2251-2

asked the Minister of Pensions if he is aware that Mr. R. C. Bathway, Canal House, Ash-well Thorpe, Norfolk, received medical treatment when in France, and that he also applied for a pension and medical treatment in April, 1919, and that six months elapsed before a pension was given or medical treatment granted, and that during that time he was ordered into a home in Norwich by Dr. Day and underwent five serious operations, which involved him in heavy expense; and whether he will make him a grant towards this expense?


My right hon. Friend recently considered this case very care fully, but found no reason that would justify him in accepting liability for the treatment, which was arranged by the man on his own responsibility. If my hon. Friend has since received any additional information on the matter, perhaps he will communicate further with me.