HC Deb 11 July 1932 vol 268 c1067

Lords Amendment: In page 30, line 26, after the word "homes," insert: Provided that where a place or places of detention have been provided under the principal Act which are suitable for use as remand homes and so long as such place or places are adequately maintained they shall be deemed to be remand homes and there shall be no obligation on any council to provide further or additional accommodation in pursuance of this Section.

Lords Reason:

The Lords do not insist on their Amendment in page 30, line 26, but propose the following Amendment in lieu thereof:

In page 31, line 3, at the end insert: (5) Nothing in this section shall be construed as requiring a council to provide additional remand homes for their area so long as any places of detention provided under the principal Act and available for use by the council as remand homes remain suitable for that purpose and sufficient for the needs of the area.


I beg to move, "That this House doth agree with the Lords in the said Amendment."

It will be remembered that we disagreed with the original Amendment of the Lords, because it was founded on a misconception and, in fact, would not have worked. This new Amendment, although I believe it to be unnecessary, is merely a matter of excessive caution and is workable.