HC Deb 06 July 1932 vol 268 cc428-30

asked the Minister of Trans-port whether he will issue, for the in- formation of the House, a. statement showing the effects on the financial basis of the London Passenger Transport Bill of the arrangements come to between the main line railways and the Metropolitan Railway to which he has recently given his approval?


asked the Minister of Transport if he will make a statement as to the terms provisionally arranged under which the Metropolitan Railway Company will be absorbed in the new combination of London passenger transport undertakings under the London Passenger Transport Bill; whether the beads of agreement have received his approval; whether this settlement alters the total liabilities of the Transport Board as laid before the Joint Select Committee on the Bill; what will be the effect of the settlement on the estimated net annual balance of the undertaking of the Transport Board, which would during the years 1934 to 1941 be available for the purposes of a reserve fund and which was given in the course of evidence on the Bill as £132,928; and whether any of the owners of the other transport undertakings with whom settlements already embodied in the Bill have been arrived at were consulted before the new terms proposed for the Metropolitan Railway Company were provisionally agreed?


I shall be very glad to meet my two hon. Friends' request and to circulate at the earliest possible moment a statement regarding certain changes which it is proposed to make in the London Passenger Transport Bill. In this statement will be embodied full details of the provisional agreement arrived at with the Metropolitan Railway and the amalgamated companies in respect of the acquisition of the Metropolitan Railway undertaking, and certain alterations regarding powers of the Minister and the appointment of the board. The agreements with the Metropolitan Railway Company are subject to ratification by the proprietors of that company but in view of the early rising of Parliament I will circulate the statement immediately after interested parties have been formally acquainted with the new proposals.


Is the agreement with the Metropolitan Railway Company and the Combine approved by the Ministry of Transport Is the agreement subject to that approval?


The agreement between the amalgamated railways and the Metropolitan Railway has been provisionally approved by my Department, but of course it is always subject to the approval of this House.


Does the Minister propose to proceed with the London Transport Bill after the Recess?


I cannot add anything to the statement made by my right hon. Friend the Lord President of the Council on 2nd June last.