HC Deb 04 July 1932 vol 268 cc208-9

Lords Amendment: In page 86, line 36, leave out lines 36 to 40.


I beg to move, "That this House doth disagree with the Lords in the said Amendment."

My object is that, with regard to Scotland, the Bill should be re-put into the same form as it is in regard to England, namely, that whipping should be abolished. It was in that form that the Bill left this House. In another place, the power of whipping by summary juvenile courts was restored, and the first part of my motion relates to that. If I may say a word with regard to the second part of the motion in my name, I would like to say that we restore certain words in the Bill for a technical purpose, the getting rid of a difficult section in one of the Scottish Acts which would exist but for that second part of the motion I shall move in a moment. I do not think I need go into details.

Amendment made to the words so restored to the Bill: In page 86, line 40, at the end, insert the words: and section seventy-four of the Prisons (Scotland) Act, 1860, shall, except in so far as it applies to cases tried on indictment, cease to have effect."—[Mr. Shelton.]

Subsequent Lords Amendments to page 97, line 27, agreed to.

Lords Amendment: In page 99, line 13, leave out lines 13 to 15.


I beg to move, "That this House doth disagree with the Lords in the said Amendment."

This Amendment is consequential upon a previous Amendment, and therefore this Motion is consequential upon the restoration of the words abolishing flogging.

Remaining Lords Amendment agreed to.

Ordered, "That a Committee be appointed to draw up reasons to be assigned to the Lords for disagreeing to certain of their Amendments to the Bill."

Committee nominated of Mr. Buchan-Hepburn, Mr. Kirkwood, Mr. Morgan Jones, Mr. Skelton and Mr. Stanley.

Three to be the quorum.—[Mr. Stanley.]

To withdraw immediately.

Reasons for disagreeing to certain of the Lords Amendments reported, and agreed to.

To be communicated to the Lords.—[Mr. Stanley.]