HC Deb 04 July 1932 vol 268 c5
12. Mr. MOLSON

asked the Secretary of State for India how many dependants of Mr. J. M. Sen Gupta are in receipt of allowances; their relationship to Mr. Sen Gupta and the amount paid to each; and what is the total sum disbursed on this account since Mr. Sen Gupta's arrest?


Allowances amounting to Rs.1,000 a month have been sanctioned for the support of Mr. Sen Gupta's family, which, I understand, consists of a wife and two sons. He has now been under detention for roughly five months, and the total cost of the allowances is therefore Rs.5,000.


Why is this sum paid?


The regulations have been in force for a great number of years. In the present case we have examined the charges which have been made and reductions are actually taking place.

13. Mr. MOLSON

asked the. Secretary of State for India what is the basis upon which allowances are made to the dependants of detenus; whether he is satisfied that the allowances in no cases exceed the earnings of the detenu before his confinement; and what is the total sum disbursed in allowances since 1st January?


Government are required by law to grant to detenus and their families monthly allowances adequate for the supply of their wants, taking into account other sources of income. As regards the second part of the question, reductions have recently been made in the scales of allowances paid, and I am satisfied that these are now reasonable. As regards the third part of the question, I have asked for a list of all detenus in receipt of allowances but have not yet received the information.