§ 56. Sir CYRIL COBBasked the President of the Board of Education whether he is contemplating the reconsideration of the question of the site for the University of London; whether he regards the Holland Park site as a possible alternative to the Bloomsbury site; whether, in the event of the Senate of the University of London failing within the prescribed time limit to fulfil the conditions under which it is agreed that the Bloomsbury site shall be handed over to them, he has any intention of advising the purchase, either out of money provided from the sale of the Bloomsbury site or otherwise, of the Holland Park site or any other site for the purpose of providing a permanent home for the University?
The CHANCELLOR of the EXCHEQUER (Sir Robert Home)The answer to the first part of the question is in the negative, and the second part, therefore, does not arise. The third part relates to a hypothetical situation with which I am not prepared to deal at this stage.
§ Mr. A. M. SAMUELWould it not be worth while to throw over the whole of the Bloomsbury site proposition at once, seeing that many authorities who understand the thing are convinced that the Bloomsbury site is never big enough for this purpose?
§ Sir R. HORNEThat is a matter of opinion.
§ Sir W. DAVISONIs the right hon. Gentleman aware that the London County Council is the local education authority and has passed three strong resolutions asking the Government to reconsider this matter, and does he not think it is desirable for the Government to act upon those suggestions of the local education authority?
§ Sir R. HORNEThat is a matter of opinion.
Sir R. BLAIRHas the right hon. Gentleman been informed by the President of the Board of Education that the Bloomsbury site is insufficient even at present?
§ Mr. A. M. SAMUELIS the right hon. Gentleman not aware that if this Bloomsbury site scheme is proceeded with the whole thing must end in disaster sooner or later, and is it not in the interests of the country, and not only of the ratepayers of the London County Council, that the matter should be looked into without further delay?
§ Sir R. HORNEThat is just a matter of opinion and controversy.
§ Sir W. DAVISONCan the right hon. Gentleman say whether the arrangement made with King's College on which the whole acceptance depends, has taken place?
§ Mr. SPEAKERThe hon. Member should put that question down.