HC Deb 24 February 1932 vol 262 c367
21. Mr. LOGAN

asked the First Lord of the Admiralty whether he is aware that boys are sent to the Atlantic Fleet and thence transferred to ships of the Mediterranean Station without previous notice and without the granting of leave, as is done in the case of other naval ratings; and whether he will issue instructions that in future boys are to be warned and given notice before being sent on commissions?


It has been a long-established practice to transfer boys from the Atlantic Fleet and the training establishments to the Mediterranean Station in January each year, the boys taking passage in Atlantic Fleet ships. All the boys who were so transferred last month had leave just prior to sailing. The Admiralty already have under consideration whether this system of drafting boys to the Mediterranean shall continue.


Does it follow that leave will be given to these boys so that they may have a chance of going home?


I have made careful inquiries, and I find that on the last occasion every boy had a minimum of 14 days' leave before he sailed?

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