§ 60. Mr. TINKERasked the Secretary for Mines if he has considered the request from the Miners' Federation of Great Britain to meet them to discuss the 653 position of boys under the age of 16 years working underground on night shifts; and will he say if he is prepared to meet them?
§ Mr. ISAAC FOOTThe answer to both parts of the question is in the affirmative.
§ Mr. TINKERIf I put down another question, will the hon. Gentleman let me know?
§ Mr. FOOTI only received a request on Thursday or Friday last week when I was at Nottingham, and I will arrange for a meeting as soon as possible.
Viscountess ASTORWill the hon. Gentleman do all he can to prevent boys under 16 working on night shifts underground?
§ Mr. FOOTI shall be happy to do anything that I can, having regard to the conditions of the industry.