§ 4. Mr. BURNETTasked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs if he will state what is the position of British bondholders in the Peking-Mukden Railway since the declaration of the independence of Manchuria; and whether they are receiving their interest?
§ Mr. EDENSo far as I am aware the position of British bondholders has not been affected, and they continue to receive interest.
§ 6. Mr. MOREINGasked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether he has obtained any reply to his representations to the Chinese Government in respect of the default of interest and amortisation on loans to Chinese railways?
§ Mr. EDENThe Chinese Government have replied to the numerous representations made to them in the general sense that the Ministry of Railways are engaged in devising means for liquidating the debts. A settlement must, however, wait until a definite scheme for their collective treatment has been drawn up.
§ 7. Mr. MOREINGasked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether he has discussed with His Majesty's Minister in China, recently on leave in this country, the question of the rights of British bondholders to priority in the distribution of the earnings of the Tientsin-Pukow Railway?
§ Mr. EDENThe general question of Chinese railway debts to British bondholders was discussed with His Majesty's Minister in China before his return to his post. I understand that the Tientsin-Pukow Railway recently arranged to pay monthly deposits into a special account in order to accumulate a fund to meet arrears of loan services. His Majesty's Minister will, of course, continue to make such representations to the. Chinese Government as may be necessary or desirable.