HC Deb 19 December 1932 vol 273 cc734-7

asked the President of the Board of Trade whether he is now in a position to furnish a further statement in regard to the establishment of new undertakings in this country?


As my right hon. Friend is no doubt aware, the last general statement made on this matter was that given in reply to the hon. Member for Swansea, West (Mr. L. Jones) on the 2nd June. That statement disclosed the fact that during the period from November, 1931, to May, 1932, 123 new undertakings had been established in this country by or with the assistance of foreign concerns, and were in production. At the end of April, these concerns were employing 3,882 persons, but recent reports show that many of them have increased very considerably the number of their employés and that the total number at the end of October was 5,896.

A further investigation made by the Board of Trade and the Ministry of Labour shows that during the period May to October of this year, 96 more undertakings of this kind were established and at the end of October were employing 3,465 persons, excluding 245 foreigners who are temporarily employed in this country by these 95 undertakings under permits issued by the Ministry of Labour. These permits are in respect of foreign workmen employed for short periods on erecting or starting special machinery or on training British workpeople.

The total number of persons actually employed by the undertakings established since November, 1931, was 9,361 at the end of October, 1932. It is estimated by the promoters of the undertakings that the figure of 9,361 will rise to over 14,000 when the factories are fully occupied.

A list of the products and particulars of the geographical distribution of the new undertakings established between November, 1931, and May, 1932, was circulated in the OFFICIAL REPORT for the 2nd June. A further list of the same kind regarding the 95 undertakings established during the period May to October of this year will be printed in the OFFICIAL REPORT with this reply.


When my hon. Friend refers to "new undertakings," does he mean industries which are new to this country? If he does not, can he say how many are new to the country?


Not without notice. The answer is a very full one, and perhaps the right hon. Gentleman will await publication in the OFFICIAL REPORT.


Does that reply mean that out of 3,000,000 unemployed only some 14,000 have been absorbed as a result of all these efforts for a year?


It means something very different from that. It means that new undertakings have been started in this country which will employ 14,000 additional people.


Is it the policy of the Government that British industry shall ultimately be run entirely by foreigners?


Are we not to understand from the answer that we have now got a Government which has produced an employment policy?

Following is the list:

Products and Geographical Distribution of New Undertakings established by or with the assistance of Foreign Firms during the period May to October, 1932, and now in Production.

London, North, including Watford, Welwyn and Letchworth.

Sixteen undertakings employing 306 people and making the following products:

London, South.

Seven undertakings employing 1,077 people and making the following products:

London, East.

Twenty-two undertakings employing 577 people and making the following products:

London, West (including Slough).

Twenty-five undertakings employing 438 people and making the following products:

The Midlands.

Eleven undertakings employing 540 people and making the following products:

Lancashire and Cheshire.

Eight undertakings employing 265 people and making the following products:


Three undertakings employing 182 people and making the following products:


One undertaking employing 58 people in making silk fabrics.

Other Areas.

Two undertakings employing 22 people and making the following products:

Country of origin of the foreign interests in these 95 undertakings.
Germany 40
France 7
Belgium 6
Holland 7
Switzerland 6
Italy 2
Hungary 2
Czechoslovakia 2
United States of America 10
Other Countries 13
Total 95