HC Deb 12 December 1932 vol 273 cc5-6
4. Major MILNER

asked the Secretary of State for India whether the Government of India propose to take steps to end the strike, involving nearly 10,000 workers, on the Madras and Southern Mahratta Railway administration by referring the outstanding points of dispute to a board of conciliation as provided for in the Indian Trades Disputes Act; and whether he is aware that the railwaymen are agreeable to such a reference to end the dispute?

10. Mr. HICKS

asked the Secretary of State for India if he can make a statement on the present position of the railway strike at Perambur, Madras; whether he is aware that the employés of the Madras and Southern Mahratta Railway Company have suggested, as an alternative to dismissal on the grounds of redundancy, that the principle of short time or periods of leave by rotation should be adopted; and what action is being taken to secure that the representations by the trade union concerned are receiving due recognition


According to my latest advices some 7,800 workmen of the Perambur and other workshops of the Madras and Southern Mahratta Railway are on strike. The grounds alleged are that the company refused to reinstate 93 men retrenched last year or to discuss with the union the company's estimate of men surplus to requirements. Before the men went out the company had already conceded the union's request for short-time working to avoid further discharges of staff surplus to requirements. The Government of India is watching the situation most carefully. So far as I am aware they do not propose and have not been asked to refer this case to a Board of Conciliation.


Have the Government not received representations from the Madras Railway Users Federation asking that this dispute should be submitted to the appropriate tribunal under the Indian Trades Disputes Act?


We expect to receive shortly from the Government of India a full statement on the position.


Will the hon. Gentleman ask specifically whether such representations have been made and whether they will be complied with or not


Yes, Sir.