HC Deb 09 December 1932 vol 272 c1929

May I ask the Secretary for Mines if he has any information to give the House regarding the colliery explosion that took place, I believe, this morning?

The SECRETARY for MINES (Mr. Ernest Brown)

I regret to say that an explosion took place in the Silkstone seam of the Cortonwood Colliery, near Barnsley, last night. According to my preliminary reports, four were killed and five injured—burned—and taken to hospital, three I regret to say seriously. I understand from the preliminary reports that the explosion followed shotfiring. I am sure the House will join with me in offering to the relatives and friends of the deceased our sympathy and to the injured hope of speedy recovery.


Will the Secretary for Mines not institute some inquiry to see if there is something wrong, because there has been an unprecedented number of colliery disasters within the last year.


The hon. Member may be assured that everything that can be done is being done continuously in this matter.


The Minister mentioned that the explosion was caused by shot-firing. Is it quite definite that this is the cause of the explosion?


Of course, Mr. Speaker will understand that I had no preliminary notice of this question and I gave the statement with all reserve according to my preliminary report.