HC Deb 06 December 1932 vol 272 c1532

Amendments made: In page 65, line 34, leave out the words, "a local or other," and insert instead thereof the word "any".

In line 37, after the word "commencement," insert the words "of this part."

In line 39, leave out the words, "Part IV of the Road Traffic Act, 1930," and insert instead thereof the words, "any enactment relating to any such licence."

In page 66, line 2, at the end, add the words: (3) Notwithstanding the provisions of Section fifty hereof, a road-service licence granted under the Act of 1930 before the commencement of this part of this Act and any backing of any such licence shall, during the currency thereof and until the date of expiry, so far as it relates to a route or portion of a route falling within any part of a traffic area transferred by this Act to the Metropolitan Traffic Area, have effect as if granted by the Commissioner for the Metropolitan Traffic Area on the date of transfer, so, however, that no service of public service vehicles may be provided under any such licence otherwise than in accordance with the provisions of this Act." —(Mr. Pybus.]