HC Deb 26 April 1932 vol 265 cc208-10

asked the Financial Secretary to the Treasury how many Royal Commissions and special committees have been appointed by the present Government; the dates of appointment; how many of these are still sitting; and how many of those appointed by the previous two Governments are still sitting?

62. Lieut.-Colonel ACLAND-TROYTE

asked the Financial Secretary to the Treasury if he will state the number of commissions and committees set up by the present Government since the election, excluding the Tariffs Advisory Committee and those set up under the Horticultural Products Act, and their estimated cost to the public?


Six commissions and committees have been set up by the present Government since the election, and I will circulate in the OFFICIAL REPORT particulars of these bodies on the lines of the table circulated on 9th December last. It is not practicable at present to give any satisfactory estimate of their cost to the public. Of the committees and commissions appointed by the previous two Governments, 20 are still sitting.

Lieut.-Colonel ACLAND - TROYTE

Will the right hon. and gallant Gentleman stop wasting public money without considering how he is going to get a return for it?


I have just been asked to appoint another committee from the House.


Will the right hon. and gallant Member go easy on this matter in order to give future Governments a fair chance?

Following are the particulars:

Committees, etc., appointed since 10th November, 1931.
This List does not include Statutory or Standing Bodies, Sub-Committees, nor Departmental Committees composed exclusively of Officials.
Name of Commission or Committee. Terms of Reference (Abridged). Date of appointment. Department primarily concerned. Probable Date of Report.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Traffic Signs To consider the existing system of "traffic signs" as defined in Section 48 of the Road Traffic Act, 1930, and to make recommendations as to the exercise by the Minister of Transport of his powers under that Section. 2nd December, 1931. Ministry of Transport.
Dormant Funds To inquire and report upon existing arrangements relating to Dormant Funds in the High Court, and to unclaimed balances and other balances in the County Courts, and to make such recommendations in respect thereof as the Committee may think fit. 15th December, 1931. Lord Chancellor's Department.
Post Office Constitution. To inquire and report as to whether any changes in the constitution, status or system of organisation of the Post Office would be in the public interest. 23rd February, 1932. Post Office
Road and Rail Transport. To consider (1) the facts relating to the incidence of highway costs in relation to the contributions of the different classes of mechanically-propelled vehicles, (2) the nature and extent of the regulation which should be applied to goods transport by road and by rail, and (3) to make recommendations to assist the two sides of the industry to carry out their functions under equitable conditions. 9th April 1932. Ministry of Transport. End of July.
Agricultural Marketing Re-organisation Commission for Milk. To prepare a scheme (or schemes) for regulating the marketing of milk and to investigate— 21st April 1932. Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries.
(a) The extent to which the operation of the scheme may be facilitated by co-operation between the board administering it and any corresponding body in Scotland or Northern Ireland.
(b) Any other matter affecting the operation of the scheme.
Agricultural Marketing Re-organisation Commission for Pigs and Pig Products. To prepare a scheme (or schemes) for regulating the marketing of pigs and pig products and to in vestigate— 18th April 1932. Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries.
(a) The extent to which the operation of the scheme may be facilitated by co-operation between the board administering it and any corresponding body in Northern Ireland.
(b) The manner in which its operation could be facilitated by the quantitative regulation of imports of pigs and bacon, etc.