HC Deb 14 April 1932 vol 264 c989
54. Colonel BALDWIN-WEBB

asked the Minister of Agriculture if the Government will publish at an early date the last report of the Pig Industry Council in connection with the reorganisation of the industry?

The MINISTER of AGRICULTURE (Sir John Gilmour)

Reports of the Pig Industry Council are addressed to me and the question of publication is within my discretion. I regard their recent report as in the nature of a confidential document, and I do not propose in this case to arrange for publication.

55. Colonel BALDWIN-WEBB

asked the Minister of Agriculture whether, in view of the acceptance by the pig industry of his conditions, he will announce at an early date the appointment of the Reorganisation Commission; and whether he will announce the personnel of that Commission?


As I have already stated in replies to previous questions I hope shortly to be able to make an announcement on the subject.


Can the right hon. Gentleman say when he hopes to make the announcement, which is rather eagerly awaited?


I hope next week.

56. Colonel BALDWIN-WEBB

asked the Minister of Agriculture whether, in view of the period likely to elapse before the Pig Industry Reorganisation Commission is able to report and steps to control imports can be taken, and in view of the decline in the numbers of brood sows now being caused by the present depressed price for pig meat, the Government will consider taking immediate measures to limit the present flow of imports?


I have carefully considered my hon. and gallant Friend's suggestion, but regret that I do not see my way to adopt the course indicated. I feel sure, however, that the Reorganisation Commission which is about to be appointed will address itself to its task without avoidable delay.