HC Deb 14 April 1932 vol 264 c980

asked the Minister of Health the number of local authorities which have adopted the suggestion contained in Circular 1,238, issued by the Ministry of Health, 12 January, 1932, of the three-bedroomed non-parlour house of about 760 square feet; and if the same amount of subsidy is granted as for the house of 950 square feet?

30. Mr. LOGAN

asked the Minister of Health what authorities in England and Wales have taken action in accord with Circular 1,238, issued by the Ministry on 12th January, 1932; and what is the number of houses proposed, or in course of construction, of the three-bedroom non-parlour type of about 760 square feet, to be let at 10s. a week or less, inclusive of rates?


I regret that precise figures are not available. Since the issue of the Circular the erection by 150 local authorities in England and Wales of 11,670 houses, few of which materially exceed the size named, has been approved. The amount of the Exchequer subsidy does not vary according to the size of the house.

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