HC Deb 14 April 1932 vol 264 c990

asked the Minister of Agriculture if he is aware that farmers and market gardeners in the Crossens drainage area have suffered losses through the flooding of the land in their occupation; and if he can state the reason for delay, after public inquiry, in giving sanction to the scheme prepared by the Crossens Drainage Board, so that the drainage of the land for the purpose of growing vegetables can be proceeded with and so find employment for a number of persons and thus increase our home-grown food supply?


Since the public inquiry to which my hon. Friend refers took place, my Department have been in close consultation, both with the catchment board and with the objectors to the scheme submitted by them, with a. view to a compromise which will obviate further objection, and I am now informing the catchment board of the form in which I am prepared to confirm their scheme. I am aware that drainage is urgently required in the Crossens catchment area, but there is nothing to prevent the catchment board arid the existing internal drainage board from carrying out, at the present time, such remedial works as may be necessary for dealing with the more important of the watercourses in the area.