HC Deb 11 April 1932 vol 264 c539

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether he will request His Majesty's commercial representative in Stockholm to be present at and to report upon all negotiations in Sweden respecting the assets of the Swedish Match Company, so that the interests of the number of unorganised British small investors in Swedish Match securities may be defended as distinct from the American interests in Swedish Match documents and from those of the bond-and share-selling firms who marketed Kreuger and Toll securities in Britain?


The negotiations now taking place in Sweden with regard to the affairs of Messrs. Kreuger and Toll and certain affiliated companies, including the Swedish Match Company, are of a private nature between the various interests concerned, and it would not, therefore, be possible for the Commercial Secretary to His Majesty's Legation at Stockholm to attend them. I understand, however, from the Press that a provisional committee has been formed to represent the interests of British investors in the Kreuger group of companies. Meanwhile, His Majesty's Minister at Stockholm is closely watching the course of events, and is keeping in touch with the representatives of the British interests concerned who are now in Stockholm.