§ 5. Mr. TINKERasked the Secretary for Mines the number of complaints sent in to the mines inspectors in respect of overtime being worked in the mines since the passing into law of the seven and a half hours Act; and if any prosecutions have been taken to court?
§ Mr. FOOTThe number of complaints of this nature received by His Majesty's divisional inspectors of mines since 1st December, 1930, is 94. All these cases were investigated, and whenever necessary administrative action was taken. There has been no prosecution during the period in question.
§ Mr. TINKERIs the hon. Gentleman aware that at the machine cut faces overtime is being worked in many cases, and will he instruct his inspectors to pay close attention to it?
§ Mr. FOOTI am fully aware that the difficulty arises with machine cutting. I believe my predecessor sought to have the matter dealt with by a conference between employers and workpeople. It was discussed in Scotland and afterwards brought before the Yorkshire coalfield for their consideration, and I believe it is still under consideration.
§ Mr. TINKERDid the inspectors make inspection of the time books when they made inspection of the mines?