Mr. ARTHUR HENDERSONMay I ask the Lord President of the Council what business will be taken next week, and can he say when the Government hope to bring to an end this part of the Session?
§ Mr. S. BALDWINIn regard to the latter part of the right hon. Gentleman's question, a statement will be made as soon as we can say positively when the business will be concluded. I am not in a position to make that statement to-day. The business for next week will be:
Monday: National Economy Bill, Committee (3rd Allotted Day).
Tuesday: National Economy Bill, remaining stages to be concluded by; 7.30 p.m. Committee stage of Supplementary Estimates for the Ministry of Labour and the Road Fund.
1826 Wednesday: Finance (No. 2) Bill, Committee (1st Allotted Day).
Thursday: Finance (No. 2) Bill, Committee (2nd Allotted Day); Report stage of Supplementary Estimates.
Friday: Finance (No. 2) Bill, remaining stages.
On any day, when time permits, other Orders may be taken.
§ Mr. HOFFMANMay I ask whether any date has been decided for the General Election?
§ Mr. BALDWINNot yet.