HC Deb 17 September 1931 vol 256 c1021
28. Mr. PERRY

asked the Minister of Health the average cost of maintaining a man and his wife and two children in an institution under the control of a Public Assistance Committee?

The MINISTER of HEALTH (Mr. Chamberlain)

The specific information desired by the hon. Member is not available. Details showing the average weekly cost per inmate in general Poor Law institutions administered by late boards of guardians are contained in Table 13 (c) of Part I of the Local Taxation Returns, England and Wales, for the year ending 31st March, 1929. (A copy of this publication can be obtained at the Vote Office.) Later information as to these institutions as administered by Public Assistance Committees is not yet available.


Can the right hon. Gentleman say whether the cost is more than 32s. 9d. which would be the amount of unemployment benefit?


I have told the hon. Member that the information for which he asks is not available.