HC Deb 06 October 1931 vol 257 c970

asked the Minister of Transport if he is aware that proposals are on foot by the Guildford Rural District Council for a 60-foot by-pass road through the Shere valley; that such proposals, if carried out, would ruin the amenities of this district, and would involve heavy cost to the taxpayer; that such proposals are opposed by the majority of the residents of the district; and, in view of the need for economy, will he withhold his sanction from this scheme?


I am aware of proposals for a new road which would have the effect of by-passing Shere. This is part of a town-planning scheme, and interested parties will have an opportunity of voicing their objections at a local inquiry by the Ministry of Health which will be held on the 13th October. The scheme is in a preliminary stage, and no application has been made to me for financial assistance.


Will the hon. Gentleman ask the Surrey County Council to take steps in this matter without further delay?