HC Deb 05 October 1931 vol 257 cc799-800
47. Mr. KELLY

asked the Secretary for Mines the number of tin mines working in the country; and whether any mines have been restarted during this year?


Only one mine, namely, East Pool and Agar, has been producing tin during this year, although dressing operations were carried on at a second mine, and pumping was continued at a third. I regret that no mines have been restarted during the year.


Is the hon. Gentleman taking any steps to encourage these people responsible for tin mines to commence operations again?


The matter has been under consideration by the Metalliferous Mines Advisory Committee. There was a report from a sub-committee of that committee, and it is being considered by the main committee on the 14th of the present month. No report has yet been presented to the Department.


Will this report be available for the Members of this House, who are very much interested in the development of this industry?


I am not able to make a promise of that, but I think that information should be placed at the disposal of Members, especially as it is concerned with the county in which I am particularly interested.