§ Considered in Committee [Progress, 30th September].
§ [Captain BOURNE in the Chair.]
- CLAUSE 11.—(Right of stockholders to continue holdings in five per cent. War Loan; requirement of application for cash repayments; &c.) 17,634 words cc595-6
- CLAUSE 16.—(Provisions as to income tax in certain cases.) 300 words cc596-617
- CLAUSE 20.—(Amendment of s. 36 of 21 & 22 Geo. 5, c. 28.) 7,137 words cc618-43
- CLAUSE 22.—(Provisions in cases where Treasury has power to borrow money.) 10,769 words, 2 divisions cc643-7
- CLAUSE 23.—(Provisions as to payment of interest on Government securities without deduction of Income Tax.) 3,874 words, 2 divisions cc617-8
- CLAUSE 21.—(Provisions as to permanent annual charge for the National Debt for 1931–32 and 1932–33.) 348 words cc647-8
- Clauses 24 (Amendment to Schedule III of 11 & 12 Geo. 5. c. 32), and 25 (Construction, short title and repeal), ordered to stand part of the Bill. 91 words