HC Deb 30 November 1931 vol 260 cc741-3
27. Captain FULLER

asked the Minister of Pensions the number of ex-service men, on the latest available date, who are drawing disability pensions on account of the Great War, and the weekly cost to the State?

The MINISTER of PENSIONS (Major Tryon)

At the end of September last 478,000 ex-service officers and men were drawing disability pensions of which the total weekly cost was about £490,000.

26. Mr. JOEL

asked the Minister of Pensions what was the cost of administering his Department during each of the last five years; what are the numbers of final awards now in existence; and what are the numbers of new eases submitted to it in each of the last three years, and the number of pensions of any sort which have been granted as a result?


As the answer involves considerable detail, I propose, with my hon. Friend's permission, to cause it to be printed in the OFFICIAL REPORT.


Could the right hon. Gentleman give us any idea of the amount expended on pensions since the War?


The total expenditure on War pensions since 1914 is £1,016,000,000.

Following is the answer:

The cost of administration of my Department for each of the five years ending on the 31st March next is as follows:

Year. £
1927–8 1,508,000
1928–9 1,290,000
1929–30 1,295,000
1930–31 1,221,000
1931–32 1,039,500

The cost of administration for the current year will be equivalent to 5.1d. for every £ of expenditure on pensions and other benefits, and may be compared with a corresponding cost of 6.2d. per £ in 1927–8 and with the maximum figure of 1s. 3d. per £ in 1920–21., At the end of September last, 430,000 final awards of disability pension or retired pay were in payment. The number of fresh applications of all kinds submitted to the Ministry can only be given with completeness for the last two years. For the year ended in September, 1930, fresh applications from all classes of claimant, including disabled officers and men, widows and dependants, numbered 24,600, and for the year ended in September last, 13,600. Awards of pension or other grants were made in 3,570 cases in the former year and in 3,170 in the latter.