HC Deb 24 November 1931 vol 260 c245

Considered in Committee.

[Sir DENNIS HERBERT in the Chair.]


Before we proceed with the Committee stage, Sir Dennis, would you be prepared, for the convenience of the Committee to indicate the Amendments which you propose to call; also those which you rule out of order and those which you propose to group?

4.0 p.m.


On Clause 3, which is the first Clause on which there are any Amendments on the Order Paper, I do not propose to select both the first and the third Amendment. I shall call the first Amendment, and if it is discussed I do not propose to call the third Amendment. In regard to the Amendments on Clause 10, the first three obviously form one Amendment. I have had handed in other Amendments which are in place of those, and which only amount to a slightly different form of words. I do not propose to rule any of the Amendments as out of order, but it must depend on the progress of the Debate whether I decline to select any of them. At the moment I have no intention to decline to select any of the Amendments. After Clause 3 two or three of the Amendments are consequential on earlier ones.


In regard to the Amendments on Clause 3, am I to understand that it will be permissible to adopt this procedure, that you will call the first Amendment and put the first and the third Amendments, allowing the Committee to vote for the first or the third, and also allowing a general discussion on the subject matter of both Amendments? They concern the same subject matter, but they are alternative ways of amending the Bill.


I propose to call the first Amendment. If it is not moved, I shall, in due course, call the third Amendment, but, if it is moved, I shall not select the third Amendment.