HC Deb 19 November 1931 vol 259 c1014
70 and 71. Mr. KIRKWOOD

asked the Minister of Health (1) whether he will bring in legislation to reduce rents of working-class houses by 50 per cent., seeing that, owing to the inability of many people to pay their rent, they are faced with being homeless;

(2) whether the Government propose to take action on the report on the Rent Restrictions Acts which recommended that all working-class houses be brought under control?


As stated in reply to other questions relating to the future of the Rent Restrictions Acts and the possibility of amendments to those Acts, the Government will consider the matter in the light of the report of the Departmental Committee, which was recently issued. I do not think, however, that legislative provisions of the kind which the hon. Member has in mind would be practicable.


Can we hope to get the decision of the Government in the matter of the Rent Restrictions Act at an early date?


Certainly, this matter will be dealt with as early as possible.


Is the Minister of Health aware that there are nearly 200 people threatened with eviction in Glasgow alone, and that when we put a question to the Secretary of State for Scotland he said that the maintenance committee would look after them, and that we have made inquiries and such is not the case? That is why we are asking that he should take action here to safeguard these people from being thrown into the street. [HON. MEMBERS: "Speech !"] We will have to act in another way if we cannot get an answer.