HC Deb 22 May 1931 vol 252 c2387
7. Brigadier-General CLIFTON BROWN

asked the Postmaster-General what was the amount of petrol used by the Post Office in 1929 and the similar amount in 1930; what was the cost; and whether it was supplied to them less tax or on the same terms as to other trading concerns?


The quantity for 1929–30 was 2,701,000 gallons; for 1930–31 it was 3,374,000 gallons. I cannot disclose the cost without breach of the established rule that Government contract prices are confidential; but the hon. and gallant Member may rest assured that the price paid by the Post Office, though naturally a special one taking account of the large quantity, includes payment of the tax in full.


Is any of this petrol being used to stimulate activity in the Department?

Brigadier-General BROWN

Seeing that the Post Office gets this petrol so cheap, why cannot they pass on the advantage by way of a penny post?

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