HC Deb 20 May 1931 vol 252 cc1957-8
23. Colonel HOWARD-BURY

asked the Under-Secretary of State for the Colonies whether he can state what is the present position of the development scheme with regard to Palestine; whether negotiations are still proceeding with the Jewish Agency on this question; and whether the Arab Executive are being also consulted?


As I have stated before, both the Arab and Jewish leaders have been given an opportunity of expressing their views on the proposals of the Government with regard to development in Palestine. I hope that it may be possible before long to make a further statement on the subject; but I am not yet able to say when that can be done.


Can the Under-Secretary answer the second and third parts of my question as to whether negotiations are still proceeding with the Jewish Agency and whether the Arabs are also being consulted?


The consultations with the Jewish Agency are practically concluded. In regard to the Arab Executive, the position was that they were invited to consult with the High Commissioner on these proposals, but they said that before they could do so certain conditions would have to be observed, and those conditions made formal consultations impossible. The High Commissioner, however, consulted with a number of Arab leaders in a personal capacity and obtained their views on the proposals, so that what I have said in my answer is correct, that opportunity has been given to both sides to state their views.


Can the Under-Secretary say whether these proposals will be laid before the House?


I cannot say definitely, but I hope it will not be long.