HC Deb 14 May 1931 vol 252 cc1355-6

asked the Secretary for Mines how many inspectors of horses in mines there are in the Northern Division; how many mines they have to visit; and the number of horses in use at these mines?

The SECRETARY for MINES (Mr. Shinwell)

At the 30th June, 1930, the latest date for which information is available, there were 274 mines in the Northern Division at which horses were employed, the total number of horses being 18,419. There are two inspectors who give their whole time to horse inspections at these mines, and attention to the matter is also given by the other inspectors of the division—12 in number—in the course of their general duties.


Is the Secretary for Mines aware that there is widespread dissatisfaction at the somewhat perfunctory examination made by these inspectors and that the public feel that it is utterly impossible for so few inspectors to make an adequate inspection over such a wide area?


I am not aware of the widespread dissatisfaction. Indeed, recently I was able to convince the deputation which waited upon me that these matters were being dealt with properly.


Is the hon. Member going to take any action in regard to the suggestions he made to the deputation?


Yes, I am taking action. Certain specific representations have been made to me, and I propose to acquaint the members of the deputation at once.