§ 86. Sir J. LAMBasked the Postmaster-General the average rate of wages of sorters and postmen in London and the provinces, respectively?
§ Mr. ATTLEEThe average rates of pay of male sorters and postmen in London are 82s. 1d. and 62s. a week, respectively. There is no grade of male sorters in the provinces; but the average rates of pay of male sorting clerks and telegraphists, the corresponding provincial grade, and of provincial postmen are 71s. and 54s. 7d. a week, respectively.
§ 87. Viscount LYMINGTONasked the Postmaster-General the maximum rate of pensions for sorters and postmen in London and the provinces, respectively?
§ Mr. ATTLEEThe maximum pension for a London sorter would be £123 a year, and for a member of the corresponding provincial class of sorting clerks and telegraphists, £114 a year. The corresponding figures for postmen would be £90 a year and £82 a year, respectively. In addition to the pension, substantial lump sums would be paid on retirement in each case.