§ 98. Mr. LAWTHERasked the hon. Member of Central Leeds, as representing the Ecclesiastical Commissioners, what is the amount of royalty fees charged on lead mined in Weardale, County Durham, on their estates?
§ Mr. DENMAN (Second Church Estates Commissioner)The rate of royalty is a matter of contract between the Commissioners, as owners of the mineral, and their lessees, as the workers thereof; and the Commissioners would not feel at liberty to disclose the terms of a contract affecting not only themselves.
§ Mr. LAWTHERDoes not the hon. Gentleman feel that it is a matter of public importance that the amount received should be known?
§ Mr. R. RICHARDSONIs my hon. Friend aware that in some instances the Ecclesiastical Commissioners charge 6d. per ton royalty, as against 4d. charged 566 by the Comimssioners of Woods and Forests, in the same seam of coal?
§ Mr. MARLEYIf the other parties to the contract agree to the publication of the figures asked for, will the Ecclesiastical Comissioners reconsider their decision and allow publication?
§ Mr. DENMANI will consider that point when it arises; at present I cannot add to my answer.