HC Deb 06 May 1931 vol 252 cc391-2
56. Dr. HUNTER

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland if he is aware that there is dissatisfaction among the inhabitants of Eastriggs, in Dumfriesshire, in connection with the valuation of the area; and if he will take steps to enable a new valuation to be made?


The answer to the first part of the question is in the affirmative. A new valuation roll is made up by the assessor before 15th August in each year, and if any person whose name appears in it is dissatisfied with the valuation placed by the assessor on his property, he may appeal to the valuation committee of the county council. If he is dissatisfied with the decision of the committee, he may require them to state a case for the opinion of the Lands Valuation Appeal Court, whose decision is final. The matter is, therefore, wholly out with my right hon. Friend's jurisdiction.


Is the hon. Gentleman aware that the circumstances are very special in this case; that Eastriggs is the centre of what was recently the great Gretna munition area; that on account of the intensive development of industrialism in that area values were swiftly and artificially raised; and now that it has become a purely agricultural area, does not the right hon. Gentleman think that the values should be correspondingly reduced?


My right hon. Friend is well aware of the exceptional circumstances of this particular district, but, as already pointed out in answer to the question, the matter is wholly out with the jurisdiction of my right hon. Friend.


Will the hon. Gentleman ask his right hon. Friend to give his classic sympathetic consideration?