HC Deb 05 May 1931 vol 252 cc196-7

asked the President of the Board of Trade, for 1913 and for the latest year for which figures are available., the dues levied by the Suez Canal Company on loaded vessels and on vessels in ballast, in gold francs per ton, the gross revenue of the company in pounds sterling, the amount distributed in dividends, and the amount allocated as remuneration to the directorate?


As the reply is in the form of a table I propose to circulate it in the OFFICIAL REPORT.

The information is as follows:

Norfolk in April, 1929, at 30s. per week; 291 persons are now employed on those estates at 35s. per week.

35. Mr. TAYLOR

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Board of Trade, as representing the Forestry Commissioners, what share, if any, of the extended development schemes of afforestation, already announced for Scotland and other northern areas, will be allocated to suitable lands in the counties of Norfolk and Suffolk?


Of the expanding afforestation programme for next season, 3,300 acres have been provisionally allocated to areas in Norfolk and Suffolk.

36. Mr. TAYLOR

asked the Parliamentary Secretary of the Board of Trade, as representing the Forestry Commissioners, the number of local persons discharged, or stood off, from the Thetford Chase forestry estate, Norfolk, during the present year; how many persons have been imported for forestry work; and on what grounds has this policy been adopted?


There was no reduction in the number of local persons employed by the Forestry Commissioners at Thetford Chase during the period January to April last. On the 1st instant 49 were discharged owing to completion of planting and nursery work for the season. No persons have been imported for forestry work.


Is the hon. Member aware that a considerable, number of trainees are now working there, and that the discharged men are wondering why local men should be replaced by them?


I think the trainees are there for a different purpose. It is a scheme, worked in conjunction with the Ministry of Labour, to train young men who are out of work for occupations overseas.


Could the hon. Member expedite that scheme in order that a number of men should not longer remain on the local rates?


I will see that that matter is considered.