HC Deb 18 March 1931 vol 249 c2010
22. Major COLVILLE

asked the Minister of Transport if a decision has been reached to proceed with the proposed new shore-road between South Queensferry and Bo'ness; and, if so, what is the estimated cost and what proportion will fall upon the local rates?


I am informed that the West Lothian County Council have agreed to the construction of a shore-road between Queensferry and Bo'ness and that a tentative estimate puts the cost at £130,000, exclusive of the cost of land to be acquired. So far, no definite scheme has been submitted to me, and I am unable to say what proportion of the cost will fall upon the local rates.


Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that there is considerable apprehension as to the effect that this scheme may have upon the rates?


There is always that apprehension, just as I have apprehension as to how much will fall on the Road Fund.