HC Deb 18 March 1931 vol 249 c2033
60. Mr. P. OLIVER

asked the Home Secretary what are the grounds upon which he proposes, under the Asbestos Industry (Asbestosis) Draft Scheme, to limit contributions from employers to a period of not more than 12 months previous to the commencement of the scheme; and is he prepared to consider extending such period?


The limitation referred to appears in the corresponding provisions of the Various Industries and Metal Grinding Schemes for silicosis, on which the Draft Scheme for Asbestosis is modelled. It was inserted, I understand, in those schemes at the request of the employers' representatives, for the purpose chiefly of restricting the liability to make contributions in the case of employers who, before the commencement of the scheme, had ceased to carry on the dangerous processes, and who, therefore, apart from any liability to make contributions to another employer, would be outside the scheme. No request for an extension of the period had been received from any quarter, but, if the hon. Member considers an extension desirable, and will forward a statement of his reasons without delay, my right hon. Friend will be glad to consider it.