§ 74. Brigadier - General CLIFTON BROWNasked the Secretary of State for War whether the cavalry armoured car regiment in Egypt has yet been completely mechanised; and, if not, when it is proposed to complete the process?
§ Mr. SHAWProvision has been made in the Army Estimates, 1931, for completing the mechanisation of this regiment.
75. Brigadier-General BROWNasked the Secretary of State for War what was the total annual cost to Army funds of the cavalry armoured car regiment at Tidworth; and how does the cost of this unit compare with the cost of a horsed cavalry regiment at the same station?
§ Mr. SHAWSufficient time has not yet elapsed since the conversion of a cavalry regiment to an armoured car regiment to enable me to give any firth figures.
Brigadier-General BROWNSeeing that we were promised two years ago economies by mechanising regiments, will the right hon. Gentleman get them to go into details?
§ Mr. SHAWThe answer is explanatory. As soon as figures can be given, they will be supplied to the hon. and gallant Gentleman.
76. Brigadier-General BROWNasked the Secretary of State for War what is the amount of petrol and lubricating oil laid down to be carried on the first and second line transport of a cavalry armoured-car regiment; how is it carried; and how many days' supply it is reckoned to be for?
§ Mr. SHAWAs it would not be in the public interest to give this information, I hope that the hon. and gallant Member will not press for it.