HC Deb 16 March 1931 vol 249 cc1678-9
75. Lieut.-Colonel FREMANTLE

asked the Under-Secretary of State for Air to state the number of medical officers on the establishment of the Air Service, and the average strength of medical officers in each of the last five years?

The UNDER-SECRETARY of STATE for AIR (Mr. Montague)

With the hon. and gallant Member's permission, I will circulate the reply in the OFFICIAL REPORT, as it contains figures in tabulated form.

Lieut.-Colonel FREMANTLE

Is the Secretary of State for Air seriously disturbed by the position in regard to the medical service of the Air Force, and is he ready to take action?


That is obviously a matter to be discussed on another occasion.

Following is the reply:

The following table gives the figures required:

Medical Officers, Royal Air Force.
Year. Establishment. Average Strength. Deficiency.
1926 210 184 26
1927 204 181 23
1928 204 188 16
1929 205 188 17
1930 210 190 20

The strength figures include medical officers serving on contract either on a commissioned or a civilian basis.