HC Deb 16 March 1931 vol 249 cc1665-6
62. Mr. HURD

asked the First Commissioner of Works the reasons why the site at Rio de Janeiro has not been selected and the building for the new British Embassy erected thereon, although authorisation was given by the vote of this House some years ago?


The scheme for the erection of a new Embassy house on the site bought in 1928 is in abeyance pending definite information as to the development of the town planning scheme, in which it is proposed to include a new Embassy quarter. The town planning scheme is still in an immature stage, and no information is yet obtainable as to the terms and conditions on which a site in the new Embassy quarter will be available.


Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that a site was offered two years ago by the Brazilian Government, and does he now tell us that no agreement has yet been arrived at?


I have told the House exactly what I have to say in the reply that I have just given, namely, that the proposal to build a new Embassy house cannot be dealt with until the conditions with regard to the Embassy quarter are known.


Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that the Treasury sanc- tioned the purchase of a site and that a site was offered by the Brazilian Government, and does he mean to tell us now that no decision has been arrived at?


I have told the hon. Gentleman the facts, and, if he will read my answer, I think he will be satisfied.

66. Captain CROOKSHANK

asked the First Commissioner of Works what are the existing arrangements for the accommodation of the staff of the British Embassy at Moscow?


The diplomatic and commercial staff are accommodated in the new Embassy house; the consular staff are housed in the Consulate building.