HC Deb 11 March 1931 vol 249 cc1158-9
68. Mr. MILLAR

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland whether his attention has been directed to the situation created in those Scottish burghs which have adoped the Public Libraries Acts, and are already levying a library rate, through the imposition of a second library rate by the county councils; and whether he proposes to take any action in the matter?


The answer to the first part of the question is in the affirmative. By "second library rate" is no doubt meant that part of the education rate which is requisitioned from the burghs in question to meet expenditure on the provision of books. It is open to the county council and the town council of any such burgh to co-operate in the distribution of books on the condition, if thought desirable, of a payment by the county council to the town council, and I would suggest that such a co-operation should be considered.


Can the right hon. Gentleman state whether such co-operation has already been discussed by the authorities concerned?


Is my right hon. Friend aware that in the county of Fife preliminaries have been practically arranged between the large burgh authorities and the county council?


Is the co-operation likely to take place between the other parties concerned, apart from the county of Fife, of which I know?


I have already said that co-operation has been suggested, and I know that it is being discussed by the local authorities and other bodies interested.

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